For the 3rd emerging technology, I have chosen Facebook. This is the leading social networking site that, originally, was only for select college campuses. Now, it is open to nearly everyone. A perfect way to understand the story behind its inception and creation is the movie "The Social Network". Facebook allows you to create a page that is all about who you are. What you look like (pictures) where you work, where you have/are going to school, who your friends are, what movies, music, books, and television shows you like. It is basically who you are in a web page. You add friends/family to your site and you can restrict access to your facebook as well. Maybe you only want people you consider a friend to know these details. Maybe you don't care if the world knows all of these things about you. Either way, it is a great way to re-connect with friends from the past, distant family members or new friends. Also, for the psycho stalkers, its a way to know what is going on in that special persons life (weirdo!). The best way to learn about facebook, is to make a page and mess around with it. I strongly encourage you to stay away from Farmville and things of that nature. Because my profile is kept private, I have added a screenshot of my facebook below.
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