Wednesday, July 13, 2011

1st Blog!

Hello!  My name is Joe Clagg and I am a Senior at IUPUI studying Criminal Justice.  I am married with 2 boys, ages 7 & 6.  So creating this blog actually turned out to be a bit harder than I anticipated.  All of the different options and layouts made creating this quickly difficult.   If I am offering advice, make a blog that is as basic as possible to get it up and running, then go through afterwards and play with the options.  Trying to figure it all out from the very beginning wasn't a good idea for me.  The title of my blog "You fight great, but I'm a great fighter" comes from the movie "Rocky III" said by Apollo Creed.  I LOVE the Rocky movies and I always thought that quote was awesome.  Naturally he was referring to boxing but I think the idea can be applied to just about any situation.  The first picture is of my wife and I at the Smiley Adult Prom and the other picture I uploaded is a painting and was created by Leroy Neiman and is of Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed.

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